Roma is currently writing and creating a short film about a lesbian hotel staff member and dancer who finds herself sucked into the dark online world of incels. 

This film draws on Roma’s research project about transgressive queer performance in cinema, specifically the carnivalesque, postmodern camp, and divine abjection. Articulating a variety of thinkers in the fields of performance studies, queer theory, and film studies (eg José Esteban Muñoz, Pippa Garner, Chen Kaige), this research project analyzes the disruptive power of performance that lives in the smudged place between fantastical utopia and dark reality, between queer hope and queer failure. Email for a copy of the research. 

In the past, Roma has worked on the films Ghost of You, Goodbye Horses, and Sweethart, and Until I See You as a creative producer, production designer, arts researcher, and script editor.